We had our "integracion" meeting today. This is where the psychologist comes that knows Ruben, and asks us a bunch of questions, and at the end " Do you still want him" Her name was Brenda, or something similar. She drove about two hours from Terrialta, where Ruben is from. she is very nice (group picture). She spoke to Ruben in spanish and called him "chicha", which he recognized and smiled. Ruben appeared at ease in her presence. It was also reassuring to Tracey and I that Ruben and is not slow, just doesn't understand english. Ruben and I have been working on this. I have tought him "high 5" and we clap hands. We also started to use some basic sign language gestures, which Ruben is starting to grasp. Our interpreter "Maribel" is in the picture below with Ruben. She is very nice and helpful. She took us to the mall today. I must tell you, if I lived here and had to deal with this traffic, I would have an ulcer. I soooo appreciate our Montana round abouts now. Never will I curse them again. We drove to the mall at 630pm here, and during major rush hour. People don't slow down, with more traffic, they just drive crazier and faster to get through. Constant horns going off, motorcycles and bicycles merging with taxi's and bus's at all different angles. No traffic lights. I literally closed my eyes and prayed that we would make it. Maribel told me i could reopen them. We went to "Exito", which is like a target or walmart, except they sell everything, including a row of motorcycles by the checkout stand. I did find the authentic coffee section, which i'm sure will make me popular at work upon my return...
I have started a theory over the past few days, and Ruben is proving me right. I think the farther south one goes, the stinkier the poop is. I think it might have something to do with the proximity to the equator, and all the heat... Poor Rubens belly is getting different food then what he is use to, and boy once that kid poops, everone knows it. Being a nurse, I have seen a lot of stinky poop, but his takes the cake. I thought Tracey was going to pass out. I even learned a few new words to go along with this occasion. "cochina", which means nasty in spanish. the maids see me coming and know exactly what is going on. I tip them extra for their trouble. Ok sorry to gross you all out, but we waited for almost two days for Ruben to poop, and now it won't stop.
We met our attorney as well, she said we need to sign a paper on Monday, then we can travel anywhere in Colombia for a week. The final judge decree will come anywhere from 7-15 days past Monday, then we return to Bogota for about 5 days and then back home...